MediSafe LLC is the official distributor of one of the world's pioneers in the production and design of equipment for fresh air and biosafety systems, Turkey's Metis Biotechnology and External. Tic. Ltd., in Azerbaijan. Metis is a specialist in fresh air and biosafety systems. Thanks to the unique design of air filtration and dynamics of these systems, it cleans the air of any space from dust particles and bacteria "settled" on these particles. Depending on the purpose of the space, Metis has the ability to protect the air, biosafety systems, workers, work materials, the environment at different levels. In addition, its modular design systems provide a high level of biosafety against toxic substances.
Having hundreds of service equipment, Metis Biotechnology and External. Tic.Ltd., is a regional leader in terms of technology and progress in the field of fresh air and biosafety. So, this company is constantly investing in RD (research and development), training mechanical engineers and microbiologists.
With its easy-to-use, custom-ergonomic design, low-noise, high-energy-saving eco-friendly equipment, Metis is a technology brand that meets new standards.